About Wild Dakota


['wī(-ə)ld] : adjective

a: living in a state of nature, not ordinarily tame or domesticated b: showing strong passion or desire


[də- (kō) -tə] : adjective

a: strong bond between family and friends

b: "friendly" (the name often is translated as "allies").

"Wild Dakota"

['wī(-ə)ld]  [də- (kō) -tə] : adjective

a: the frame of mind to share the outdoors with friends and family To carry on traditions c: stewards of the land protecting and preserving

Just so we are clear, we are not professionals, we just love the outdoors! Wild Dakota is a group of passionate outdoor enthusiasts who intend to share their wealth of knowledge to help keep kids in the outdoors, raising invasive species awareness by being stewards of the land, all while projecting a positive & professional image. We may not all be professional but will claim we do what we love and love what we do, and that’s pretty much good enough for us. We are all weekend worriers, but passion drives us to do what we love. Hunting, fishing, or anything outdoors is what Wild Dakota TV is all about!

LaVerne Boer

Wild Dakota tv ceo

[email protected]

Jeff Boer

Executive Producer

[email protected]